A wrongful death cause if action (how to file a case) is governed generally by ORS 30.020. Our attorneys in Hermiston and Pendleton Oregon have handled wrongful death cases, and understand the extreme pain suffered by the loss of a loved one. It leaves people wondering, how am I going to pay for last expenses? Am I responsible for hospital bills? Can I sue someone to make this right?
Let our attorneys assist you in your case against the at fault party. We know and understand that suing a wrongdoer can be very difficult, and remove the guesswork from the legal process. We will explain your rights, your available remedies, and walk you through the process. The legal road is long and winding, but we have successfully navigated cases for our clients and will do the same for you.
In Oregon, under the Oregon Revised statutes, when the death of a person is caused by the wrongful act or omission of another, the personal representative of the decedent (filed probate), for the benefit of the decedent’s surviving spouse, surviving children, surviving parents and other individuals, if any (beneficiaries), who under the law of intestate (without a will) succession of the state of the decedent’s domicile would be entitled to inherit the personal property of the decedent, and for the benefit of any stepchild or stepparent whether that stepchild or stepparent would be entitled to inherit the personal property of the decedent or not, may maintain an action against the wrongdoer, if the decedent might have maintained an action, had the decedent lived, against the wrongdoer for an injury done by the same act or omission. The action shall be commenced within three years after the injury causing the death of the decedent is discovered or reasonably should have been discovered by the decedent, by the personal representative or by a person for whose benefit the action may be brought under this section if that person is not the wrongdoer.