Power of Attorney is a device that allows the grantor to give the grantee all (or limited) power to act on their behalf. A simple way to think of this is that it allows another person, to step into your shoes, while you are living, and make any decision or take any action, that you would otherwise be able to take on your own. The power of attorney usually becomes a durable power of attorney, and survives if a person later becomes unable to care for themselves for some reason.
Power of Attorney as a fantastic tool giving people piece of mind that someone they trust will have the legal authority to act on their behalf if they are not able to for some reason. In some cases, a wife may give power of attorney to her husband, where certain property is not held in both names. This may be important if one spouse is traveling outside of the country, and an amazing offer to purchase the house must be executed before the spouse would be returning home.
For more information about Power of Attorney, click here to review an article.